
my fav five

if you know me, then its very likely you know that i pretty much want to travel everywhere. i just really love cultures and people, and want to see as much of this world as i possibly can. But, of course i have my favorites, my places i just can't wait to go and experience. So, i decided to compile a list of my top 5 places to go, my Fav5.

Here it is (not necessarily in a specific order)

duh. this one is a no-brainer. Since i started to learn Swahili last year, I just really want to go, learning about their culture and language in class has given me a passion to go and meet and be with the people. I want to see the landscape, the ocean, the island of Zanzibar, Mount Kiliminjaro. ahhh! can't wait.

#2- GREECE (& Cyprus)
To me, this just looks like the most beautiful place ever. There is so much history there, so much to see and learn. Its my number one "want to vacation here" spot. so, if you ever want to be my friend and have a ticket to Greece. . .call me up.

Wooooo. i love Indian people. a.whole.lot.
I love their accents, their clothes, plus their food is amazing. Spiritually, its a very different country. I would love to do mission work there, just reaching out to the oppressed people. It definitely seems like one of the harder places to reach out to. They have so many people that need a just need to be shown love and compassion, a hand to reach out to them when they are in need. Oh, yes indeed. in a heartbeat.

OF COURSE i want to go here. This is where it all started. and i LOVE me some jewish people.(i guess because im related to a whole bunch) The amount of rich history there, especially pertaining to the Bible, intrigues me. I find something so beautiful about the Jewish culture and traditions.

i don't really have a justified reason to WHY i want to go here, i just do. the Himalayas, a lot of yaks, and cool nomads like this:
just seems like a interesting country.

There it is. that's my list.
so. . . does that sound appealing to anybody, could i find a travel buddy?!

[what places are in your fav5?]


Anonymous said...

are those your top five missions? or places to just go and " have fun"..it would be cool to see the dif.


Anonymous said...

i will go with you ANY DAY to greece and israel...would love to go to both one day. i also would love to go to italy and australia. so when are we going?

Aimee Cait said...

Excellent 5 -- Israel, Greece and India are in mine, too. I'll just add Russia and Egypt. You're welcome to visit me in England!

Anonymous said...

Love them all! Your so special. I don't know if I ever told you but India, specifically CALCUTTA is where I feel like God has asked me to go. And it is so hard to turn Him down :)

No really I would have to say that I love any place that is not my hometown. I really could have an adventure in Ohio or Nova Scotia or whereever ville. I just LOVE different cultures, places and peeps. So I am down for doing some globe trotting with you.

Lots of Love to you!

danohlerking said...

happy birthday

JordanGautreau said...

i want to go just about everywhere...Israel is a great pick, India, Tibet, Afgahnistan, Lebanon, China, Papa New Guine to name a few...ok so i went over the required five...and i'll go anywhere that God provides.

Jamie said...


Okay, very generic, I know, but Definately Swaziland, Uganda, Australia, New Zealand, and England.. And Asia, but that's one big place... lol

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