
goodbye blogger

it has come time for me to say, "KWAHERI!" to my dear old blogger account and, "JAMBO!" to wordpress.
yes, yes, yes i have finally switched over. so take a moment to change my link in your blogroll or on your netvibes to THIS instead!




about time!

bless my lucky stars, never thought i would see the day!!
Yes my friends, Andrew's teeth are bare and brace-free. That boy and I got braces on at the same time- the summer of 2003, and he has FINALLY gotten them off.

x-ray uh-oh

I had to go to the doctor yesterday because my nose had been bothering me. so they checked it out and decided that i needed an x-ray. well in order to do an x-ray you really aren't supposed to have any metal on your face. . . since i got my nose pierced I am really not supposed to take it out for 6 weeks and im not about to just pop that sucker out.

Instead they just took an x-ray with it in. the doc was not pleased, but hey, c'est la vie.

wahhh! can you see it?!


so this one time when i was a nun. . .

i found this picture the other day. I was in "The Importance of Being Earnest" in high school (had to change Rev. Chausible to MOTHER Chausible, if you catch my drift).

yep. a nun. Tori's dream job. plus i had a butterfly net. ahh, quite enjoyable.

i had some pretty nifty other costumes. whats the snazziest costume you've ever sported?
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