
pardon me while i vomit

heres part of an article
i read from the NY Times. its pretty disheartening...
Abu Ibrahim considers his dead friends the lucky ones.
Four died in Iraq in 2005. Three more died this year, one with an explosives vest and another at the wheel of a bomb-laden truck, according to relatives and community leaders.
Abu Ibrahim, a lanky 24-year-old, was on the same mission when he left this bleak city north of Amman for Iraq last October. But he made it only as far as the border before he was arrested, and is now back home in a world he thought he had left for good — biding his time, he said, for another chance to hurl himself into martyrdom.“I am happy for them but I cry for myself because I couldn’t do it yet,” said Abu Ibrahim, who uses this name as a nom de guerre. "I want to spread the roots of God on this earth and free the land of occupiers. I don’t love anything in this world. What I care about is fighting."

i DO NOT understand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will never understand this mindset...

Also, I am not thattt young! I even look older than Sarah!

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