
itsy bitsy, teeny weeny yellow polka dot. . . burkini?

thats right. . . a burkini
the opposite of a bikini.

i propose this be the new dress code for all the girls at camp. that way nobody has to worry about all the ladies trying to see how far and how much skin they can show. this is much better than my turtlenecks and blue jeans idea.

it was desgined by a muslim designer to accomidate muslim ladies who want to go swimming, but stick to their dress code. So im guessing its the same material as a bathing suit, of course a lot less clingy, and even covers your head!
how inventive.


Jason Guidry said...

Leah, you are amazing! Your willingness to serve at Refuge each weak is just incredible. You put up with the entire tech team, you make sure everything is in order, and you bug Lauren to get the Order of Service printed.

I don't always get the chance to personally thank you for your hard work, so here it is: "Thank you for all of your hard work."

Original, isn't it?

Misty said...

at least i won't get a sunburn...except for on my nose, i have a big snoz, so it's still a possibility...

tori ohlerking said...

OH YES!!! i love it!!!!

my swimsuit isn't far from that!! wait till you see it! haha!!

i love you, leah!

Ariel said...

Does it come in pink, lol?

Jamie said...

I Stand Amazed at the Randomness of this post.
But this shows me that I wonder if that's just a boast.
For in all reality, that's not camo-wear;
But a smurf-looking outfit that's just likely to tear...

The post was Stupendous!

Connie Firmin said...

Yes, I'm liking it! It has potential. We could put the HPC Logo on it (or PF/Refuge logos), and maybe make it purple in memory of our beloved neon sign that was laid to rest last year (or was that the year before?)!

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