
a few of my favorite things

when i think about life, i really like it. and there are certain things in life i especially enjoy. here are a few.

Venti Ice Water from Starbucks

Playing in the fountains downtown

passport stamps
although my passport is quite lonely, i really enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes from a passport stamp. its a little splotch of ink that signifies an entire trip to another nation.

diet coke
[this one is in Hebrew. which is always a plus]

my cammy cam. my handy-dandy camera, oh its so faithful

crossword puzzles
oh my, i cannot really explain why it is i so deeply enjoy to sit and rack my brain for a four letter word for freshwater fish, but i do. and i do it on the daily, at least during school.

this book. its one of the most practical encouraging books ever. love it.

dark chocolate. i absolutely love dark chocolate. and hate milk chocolate.
[never had this kind]

sitting outside here:

and that is just a few.


tweez said...

Too muck alike..Love you, Jennifer

Anonymous said...

That is why I love you so much.... minus the Diet Coke... mine would be hot tea, iced tea, warm tea... cold tea... green tea, black tea... red tea... you get it.

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