
can you see it?

On Wednesday at Refuge, Jason talked about proof of God and then gave an altar call to receive either the baptism of the Holy Spirit (tounges), or just a fresh fire from God.

Well it really got me to thinking when he was talking about the power that comes from recieving the Holy Spirit, and its kinda strange that ive just really never though about it before. I actually recieved it at Amplified 2 years ago, and it was a really amazing experience, the strongest ive felt the presence of God. And, what i was thinking about yesterday is that at that point, that is when my life began to really change.

yes, i had been a Christian before, but i was still longing for the things of the world and you know, being a high school girl. at that point, is when the DESIRES of my heart began to evolve and mold into the desires of His heart. I have NEVER associated those two things together. Recieving the Holy Spirit and the true change in my life.

how retarded am I? but its so awesome, because i began to actually SEE differently. i no longer looked at my friends partying and wished i could get drunk with them or desired to be in a relationship. I began to walk down the path less traveled, and just like mr. frost says, it has made all the difference.

but, in my car yesterday when this revelation hit me, i got a kinda cool metaphor. life is like this lovely Magic Eye puzzle. we look at it, and we stare, try to fix our head the right way, look at it long enough and hard enough to see the picture.
But, with the power of the Holy Spirit and God in your life, He reveals the picture that nobody else can see. It wont take years of turning the picture, changing your head, and crossing your eyes to see it. He reveals it in His power.

how awesome is that?! our God really is incredible. he amazes me all the time with His Glory in my life.

so. . .can you see it?!


Sarah Head said...

girl, what an awesome post. you are awesome! you need to use the power that God has given you to go make a difference in the lives of others. i'll be praying for you!

pray for me too, that God will give me boldness. i met a girl named Jasmine today and talked to her for like 15 minutes and just talked to her about her problems and stuff... i know... crazy... so pray that God will give me boldness to tell her about the GOD who can solve all of her problems the next time i see her!!

Unknown said...

wait for it... wait for it... THERE IT IS!! I SEE IT!! WOOOO!!!

Misty said...

i see it :D

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