
mi madre

i just thought i would let everybody know that i have the most awesome MOM on the planet, shes pretty much incredible.

Just last week she was honored as one of the most distinguished sales people in the big BR, a title which she definitely deserves.
she works so hard at 225, and is such a wonderful mom at the same time. shes my best friend, and i just really love her.
She is such an encouragement to those around her in the workplace, and is really making an impact in this community. plus, shes a huge fruitcake.

so, next time you see her make sure and give her a big congrats.

(hope that wasnt TOO terribly wordy. . . JP)


Anonymous said...

I'm so sure..you and sarah gonna keep puttin jp notes at the end of each post..haha..na this post was good the pictures keep it short..hahaha


Sarah Head said...

jp is such a loser, dont you think so leah??

I LOVE YOUR MOM- she is the bomb! i like to rap?

Anonymous said...

Leah, you are the bomb! having a daughter like you is such a blessing. I am so proud of who you are and what you are doing. Everyday I see more and more of God in you! You rock like a big fly dog!

Anonymous said...

Leah: Yes, your mom is pretty special!!!! And so are you.

I love your blog, it is a treasure that I happened to stumble upon.

Love you, The Phone Lady!

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